The Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide
Reviewer: Brian Benson
Website Reviewed: The
Ultimate WoW Guide Website
have no doubt that anyone who purchases the Ultimate World of Warcraft
Guide will find exactly what they are looking for inside.
It is utterly comprehensive and covers every
aspect of playing World of Warcraft that I can think of (leveling 1-80,
no matter what side you are on, gold secrets, profession guides and
In fact, when I logged in and downloaded the first
guide in the members area quite frankly it contained what a lot of
other WoW guides sell as their entire product. Yet this first guide
(for beginners) is scarcely 5% of what is contained in this mega site.
The Ultimate WoW Guide members area have
guides inside that cover everything in detail that you could possibly
need to know in order to master WoW, from beginners to beyond
Why buy dozens of other WoW guides when this one
has EVERYTHING you need to know in one place? And it is kept well up to
date by a player who plays for a minimum of 5 hours every day.
Here's a rundown of what is inside the members
area of The Ultimate WoW guide:
- 1 - 80 Horde Leveling Guide
- 1 - 80 Alliance Leveling Guide
- Power Level 30-60 Grinding Method
- Burning Crusade 60-70 Leveling Guide
- Leveling from 70-80 Guide
- Power level Profession Guides
- Gold Farming Guide
- Alchemy 1-375
- Cooking 1-375
- Engineering 1-375
- Herbalism 1-375
- Leatherworking 1-375
- Lockpicking 1-350
- Tailoring 1-375
- Blacksmithing 1-375
- Enchanting 1-375
- First Aid 1-375
- Jewelcrafting 1-375
- Mining 1-375
- Skinning 1-375
- Profession Trainers List
- TBC Bind on Pick-up Recipes
- Vendor Recipes
- Faction Recipes Rewards
- Beginner Gold Guide
- Earning for your Level 40 Mount for level 1-40
- Auction House Strategies
- Auctioneer Video Tutorial - 300g/hour
- Level 70 Farming Spots 120-180g/hour
- Aldor and Scryers up to 160g/hour
- Motes Farming up to 130g/hour
- Daily Quest Guide v2.4
- Other Articles
- Level 70 Attunements Guide
- 2.0 Combat Rating System Explanation
- Safe Way to Buy WoW Gold and Accounts
Burning Crusade: Level 60-70 Class Guides and
Instance Loot List:
- Druid
- Rogue
- Paladin
- Hunter
- Shaman
- Priest
- Mage
- Warlock
- Warrior
Pre-TBC Level 10-60 Instance Loot List:
- Druid
- Rogue
- Paladin
- Hunter
- Shaman
- Priest
- Mage
- Warlock
- Warrior
And there are even more separate articles inside
on secret topics that interested the creator of this amazing website.
My advice is that if you truly want to be a master
of World of Warcraft, or even if you just want to level faster or get
more gold quicker, then this is the site that you should join.

More World of Warcraft Reviews
These other guides are also VERY
good and worth checking out. I've looked at over 20 World of Warcraft
Gold and Power Leveling Guides (in which you'll learn leveling secrets,
gold secrets and a lot more) and these are the best of the best:

Best Gold
Next Best Gold Guide - Gold
Average User Rating:
Gold Secrets is a comprehensive gold guide
where an experienced World of Warcraft gamer shows you how to make up
to 200 Gold per hour so you'll never have to buy gold again (without
using hacks or risking getting banned).
Gold Secrets

Best Horde Guide
Best Horde Guide - Joana's
1-70 Horde Power Leveling Guide
Average User Rating:
First of all, please note this is a leveling
guide for the Horde side only. One of the great things that I love
about this guide is that you also get to watch a video of Joana
leveling from 1-60 in less than 5 days. So if there is any part of
playing that you are unclear about from reading the guide (and it is
well written), you can just go and watch Joana playing and see how it
is done. Joana also teaches how to level from 60-70 in the updated
version of her guide.
Joana's Horde Guide

Best Alliance Guide
Best Alliance Leveling Guide -
Team Demise Alliance WoW Power Leveling Guide
Average User Rating:
This top-notch Alliance leveling guide was
written by the former world record holder for leveling. What is amazing
about this guide is that it is an in-game guide. You install it as a
plug in (completely legal) and you can reference to the guide while you
are playing the game, without ever leaving it!
Team Demise's Alliance Guide

Professions Guide
Best Professions Guide: Penn's
Average User Rating:
This comprehensive professions guide shows
you how to level your professions faster and easier than you possibly
could on your own. You'll find out what recipes to level on, the best
places to farm for the materials you need for the recipes, and more.
All professions are covered from 1 to 375, including Alchemy,
Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Herbalism, Jewelcrafting,
Leatherworking, Mining, Skinning, Tailoring, Cooking, First Aid and
Penn's World Professions Guide