Joana's Horde Leveling Guide Review
Reviewer: Brian Benson
Website Reviewed:
Joana's Horde Leveling Guide

I've been asked this question a few times by people... Is
Joana's Horde Leveling Guide a scam?
People ask because there is a lot of hype about this
particular guide on the internet, plus the website itself
looks a little salesy. Lots of people on forums used to think
that Joana was cheeting because he was leveling way too fast.
But I can tell you for a fact right now, that Joana is a 100%
legit player and also you'll be amazed at what you find inside
his guide. It was written by a true world of warcraft
Inside Joana's members area, you'll find:
1. Joana's 1-25 Blood Elf Leveling
2. Joana's 1-60 Horde Leveling Guide Printable:
3. Joana's 60-70 Outland Step-by-Step Guide
4. Joana's 60-70 Outland Reference Guide
5. Change Log for Joana's Guides
Plus, this just added:
6. Class Guides - Submitted by Users
It doesn't do enough justice to the comprehensiveness of
this members area to just list what is contained above. There
are other World of Warcraft Leveling Guides that teach you what
Joana does, but Joana quite frankly does it much better.
Each guide is comprehensively written with step-by-step easy
to follow instructions and includes:
1. Detailed, easy-to-follow, numbered instructions for
each level
2. Detailed maps showing the path you should take and where
you should be to complete each numbered step.
3. Full video showing you how to play each level, so you can
watch Joana doing it in front of your eyes.
I'm not sure how much easier Joana can make it for you to
level from 1 to 70 as a Horde.
If you want to save yourself hours of time and level from 1
to 70 fast, then go get yourself Joana's Horde Guide, it's an
absolute gem!
Click Here to Visit Joana's Horde Guide